This month we are exploring the skills required in teamwork, including listening and curiosity. Today I wanted to take a dive into a third skill area, that being the area of experimentation.
Experimentation is key for business leaders and teams today. Many times, the context is changing so quickly that we don’t have time to complete an entire roll-out before having to make a final decision. That can lead to a mindset of experimentation, where it is encouraged to try things out, see what works and what doesn’t.
In supporting experimentation in our team we want to:
- Encourage and reward trial and error
- Create safety around not getting “things right”
- Provide team members with time and resources to experiment, beyond their every day team responsibilities
- Facilitate an evaluation of projects or “Experiments” that are completed or are even at the midpoint
Questions we may ask at project reviews include:
- What’s working?
- What’s not?
- What are the things that need to be abandoned or tweaked?
- What additional resources do we need?
- What unknown obstacles have become visible?
- What is the big learning we are taking?
- What is the one thing/ or the many things we are going to do differently going forward?
- Who else can we learn from (including our own past projects?
What else is important for you to note around experimentation?
If you haven’t read the blog posts I did earlier this week on Teamwork in Uncertainty around experimentation and cultivating more curiosity, be sure to check them out.
Wishing you all the best,
Leadership | Teamwork | Business Success
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), PlanDoTrack (2019) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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