The five skills are:
1. Builds trust and gets to know your team members
2. Asking Questions to stimulate thinking, support action and awareness. Questions to build on what team members already know.
3. Listening - really listening
4. Goal Setting – Supports SMART-E Goal Setting
5. Focuses on Accountability and works with your staff member to check in around their progress regularly
Coaching in general is all about supporting you team in creating awareness supporting and action. Action, and getting things done is critical in today’s business environment. At the same time, action, without insight can lead us astray. Leaders play an important role in helping team members work through, and think through decisions, perceptions and other areas
Consider these five areas. On a scale of 1-10 where do your strengths lie?
Future blog posts this week will look at each of these areas.
Potentials Realized - Leadership | Teamwork | Coaching Skills Training for Leaders
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