Here’s what I wrote about incorporating icons into a virtual team session:
“Another exercise I use regularly in helping teams get to know each other, and stat to build trust is sharing a slide which has a variety of icons on it. You will see an example below. While I show this on the screen I have select an icon which represents what they are bringing to the group/team that day or what they are thinking about around the topic we are exploring.
This exercise has the advantage of providing a springboard for some interesting themes to emerge in the conversation.
Here's an example of a recent icons slide I shared. I purchased the original graphic over at Adobe Stock.
I’ve used iterations of ICON activities for different teams I’ve worked with. Sometimes we are exploring the topic of feedback, other times, difficult conversations, goals for the year, or sometimes goals for the year. The benefit of using ICONS is that it can provide new layers to a conversation. When people are working in different languages, or even the same language, it can provide some new nuances to a conversation, energizing it in different ways.
How might you incorporate more around icons in your work?
For more on creating engaging virtual conversations, and virtual team development, check out my 2017 book, Effective Virtual Conversations.
Leadership | Teamwork | Business Success
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), PlanDoTrack (2018) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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