In today’s workplace, streaming where we can see those we are talking to has become more of the norm (although there are still many workplaces not equipped with webcams and other technology which allow streaming).
There are multiple benefits to enabling streaming for workplaces including for virtual and remote teams:
- The ability to see each other helps to create an almost exact experience as the face-to-face environment.
- We accrue much of our meaning through visual channels, and this helps with creating more aligned communication. We can see when people might not be in alignment with what they are saying, or we may be more attuned to the struggles or excitement they are feeling. Note that in the face to face communication world, we accrue more than 50 % of our message through body language. When we lose the visual stimuli, unless people’s skills in virtual communication are well honed, much of the intended message may get lost, or misconstrued.
- We lean into visual cues to create trust. If I can see you, I may be more apt to trust you, agree with you or collaborate with you.
- With better and closer relationships marked by higher levels of trust, more crucial conversations may be had in the virtual space. If people disagree, you may see this earlier, or people may feel more confident to share disagreements or alternative points of view, since they can see how the other person is interpreting it.
What have you noticed about the benefits of shifting what conversations you can to the streaming or video-rich virtual environment? Please use the comments to share with us!
Best wishes,
Leadership | Teamwork | Business Success
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Coaching Business Builder (2018) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
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