As you step into winter (or summer), take a few minutes to look back at the last 3 months. Ask yourself:
1. What have been your major accomplishments?
2. What's different today than at September 21st in your work? Your work style? Your relationships? Your resources?
3. What's possible, given this?
4. What did you do consistently over the last 3 months? What impact did that have?
5. What was the key learning you had over the last 3 months?
6. What's the one thing you learned from, which did not succeed?
7. What do you wish you had done, but didn't?
8. What changes do you want to carry forward into the next 3 months?
Looking ahead to the next quarter:
1. What are the key goals for the next 3 months?
2. What are the key activities you want to, and need to, undertake?
3. What will help you be successful?
4. What, and who, can you leverage?
5. What's the one thing you want to do consistently over this next 90 day period?
6. What's the one thing you want to try? What is important about that?
7. At the end of 90 days, what do you want success to look like?
One of the things I've been focusing on in the last 90 days was my experiment and learning in Instgram. Back on September 21st I started a 90 Day series called #90DaysPlanDoTrack. It's been highly enjoyable to get connected on this platform that was completely new to me only five months ago. If you haven't viewed the Video Montage from week #1 - do check it out here.
This afternoon I'll be hosting one of the last PlanDoTrack Virtual Retreats for the year. I've enjoyed this new addition to our programming this fall. Over the four hours of the program it is amazing to see the clarity people generate around their work, projects and plans, especially as they start to get traction. You can learn more about the retreats, and upcoming dates here. First 2019 one scheduled for Tuesday January 8th from 1-5 pm Eastern/New York.
Enjoy your writing!
Jennifer Britton – Potentials Realized
Author of multiple books including Effective Virtual Conversations (2017), Coaching Business Builder (2018) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (2013)
Follow along with the #90DaysPlanDoTrack series over at Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder
Now available – PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner - Order a copy today on Amazon
Join us for a year-end virtual planning retreat!