As some of you may know, back in August, I launched an analog (hard copy) workbook and planner for coaches, called the Coaching Business Builder. Many people I spoke with said – I’m not a coach, but work virtually, so can you create one for me?
So… In a couple of weeks I will be launching a new planner and workbook called PlanDoTrack™. Geared for virtual and remote professionals, entrepreneurs and leaders, everyone will find it of interest. Just like the name says – it’s about Planning. Doing. Tracking.
It is about getting focused on what you want to do.
Planning – being clear on what our priorities are;
Doing - Getting into focused action and;
Tracking the results – What’s working and what’s not.
In leading up to the launch, I am pleased to share a 19 days series I’ve entitled 19 Productivity Hacks for 2019. Over the next few weeks on Tuesdays and Wednesdays we will be focusing on these 19 productivity tips.
If you are interested in learning more about the new workbook and planner, the new PlanDoTrack website will be available soon, or you can sign up for the monthly PlanDoTrack newsletter here.
With best wishes,
Potentials Realized | Effective Virtual Conversations | Coaching Team Leaders
Join Jennifer for a year-end virtual planning retreat in the PlanDoTrack Series!
Instagram @CoachingBizBuilder
YouTube – Teams365 Leadership Channel
Email: [email protected]
Pre-order a copy of the PlanDoTrack Workbook and Planner for Virtual and Remote Professionals on Amazon (Available December 14). Check it out here.