- 5 things to get in your calendar for 2019, right now!
- Planning for Year End Activities for your Team
- Year end productivity reminders – 4 things to keep in mind
- 18 Questions for 2018 Year-end one on ones
- Bringing projects to a close
Given that it ‘s the last day of November, it’s time to grab a pen and take stock of the month that was, and do some planning for the month ahead:
As you think about the month of November, consider:
- What key goals did you, and the team, achieve?
- What helped you be successful?
- What worked really well? What didn't?
- What lessons learned do you want to capture and note?
- What changes do you want to make?
- What were key relationships helping you to be successful?
Looking to December
- What are your key goals and projects this month?
- What projects need to get completed, no matter what?
- What else needs to be wrapped up?
- What do you want to focus on?
- What do you want to say no to?
- Where is it important to place attention this month?
- What else?
If you have been doing this every month this year, take a look back at your monthly stock-taking. As you look across the year:
What do you notice as trends?
What has key learning been?
What still needs attention?
What issues or items have come up month after month? What’s significant about this?
What changes, if any, do you want to make?
Potentials Realized | Effective Virtual Conversations | Coaching Team Leaders
Join Jennifer for a year-end virtual planning retreat in the PlanDoTrack Series!
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