As we step into October, the first teamwork skill which is essential for today’s context is “Trust”. Trust is like oxygen. Without it, you are not able to do anything.
Over the past few years here at the Teams365 blog I have shared a number of posts around trust including one cartoon developed for us by Steven Ravensfeller on the Duality of Trust. Let’s take a look at it again - you'll see it in today's post. What do you notice about the skills and behaviors which show up on either side of the body? What is the flipside of trust/distrust?
In his book, The Speed of Trust, Steven Covey writes that trust is like a bank account. You can put in resources, and quickly deplete them.
Trust is like a web across a team. When one link is broken or weakened it can have the effect of weakening the entire system.
What are the things you are doing as a team to build trust? Are you following through? Providing feedback? Creating Expectations? Building regular communication channels? Adjusting things for each person’s style?
At the same time we can be cultivating an environment of low trust. What is the state of feedback? Transparency? Follow through? Expectations?
What items could benefit from having more attention around right now?
Best wishes,
Potentials Realized | Effective Virtual Conversations | Coaching Team Leaders
We provide team and leadership development support through coaching, consulting and training services
Author of several books including the 2018 Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner & Effective Virtual Conversations (2017)
Email: [email protected]