Area #6 – Building Connections Across the Team
It’s likely that your team composition may have changed at some point during the year. Does everyone know each other?
If you are looking for some quick icebreakers you may want to consider these resources:
Wilderdom’s Group Portal – including their index of different activities and resources. While this is incredibly vast, you may find some that pique your curiosity and can be adapted for your team. Check them out here.
BusinessBalls listing of a variety of exercises under the “recommended resources” column. Find them here.
Since 2005 I have hosted the Group Coaching Ins and Outs blog. One series I have focused on are different exercises and resources coaches will want to add to their toolkit. Take a look at these dozen plus posts here.
Using Visual Cards to spark conversation – The 40 Ways to Work with Visual Cards e-book, highlights 40 different ways you can use any visual card deck to spark dialogue and learning across your team. Pick up a digital copy of this resource at our website here.
Area #7 – Revisiting Your Vision and Making it Tangible
One of the most important things teams can do to create alignment in the fluid working space, it to have a shared vision. When did you last revisit your vision, and what you are aiming towards? Team vision statements can have different time windows, as well as formats.
This fall, you may want to dedicate some time in your team meetings revisiting your vision and making it tangible. In the realm of coaching, we work with our clients to create STRUCTURES. A structure is usually a visual or tangible item which serves as a reminder.
In working with your vision this fall, what’s the one way you can make it tangible?
Here are some ideas teams I have worked with, have created structures for themselves:
- A photograph of the team vision/story line they have created together. This has been circulated and in one instance, became the screensaver for the team.
- Using tinfoil, creating a solar system with each planet representing different elements, and milestones, of the journey.
- Ringtones to remind the team of key taglines/mottos shaping their vision and aspirations.
I’ll be back with more team activities ideas next Tuesday so stay tuned.
Potentials Realized | Effective Virtual Conversations | Coaching Team Leaders
We provide team and leadership development support through coaching, consulting and training services
Author of several books including the 2018 Coaching Business Builder Workbook and Planner & Effective Virtual Conversations (2017)
Email: [email protected]