Today’s post includes links to three different articles you may want to explore as you expand your thinking about teams. As you read through them, think about these questions
1. What is new or different which can influence your thinking about teams?
2. What is one practical idea you can take forward into your work with teams from this article?
3. What else might you want to explore as a result of this article?
Article #1 - The Stages of Teamwork ComplexityOctober 25, 2017 by Lorenzo Pasqualis
Article #2 – Leading in Complexity : What makes complexity different and how can leaders respond effectively? By Keith Johnston, Carolyn Coughlin, and Jennifer Garvey Berger May 2014
Find it at:
I mentioned this article last week and it has a number of different layers that you will likely find interesting in your work. Again, consider the questions listed above as you read through the article.
Article #3 - Leading in a VUCA World - Sattar Bawany. A great primer article from EDC on leading in today's VUCA context- Volatile, Complex, Uncertain and Ambiguous . View it here.
What other books or articles have you found useful in referring to as you consider your leadership and teamwork in today's ever changing context?
Best wishes,