As a team it can be useful to explore the question "Where might the skills of influence be needed"
as well as a related question of "What does influence mean to us?" or "what does it look like.
The term influence can have a very negative connotation in some industries, yet it is a skillset needed by professionals at all levels, particularly those who may not be in positions of formal power, and need to work through others to accomplish their tasks.
In order to be influential, we need to be trusted and reflected. Without this it is harder, but not impossible to influence. AS with so many other skills required to get things done, it is important to constantly reflect on how your relationship skills are working.
Enjoy the conversation,
Potentials Realized
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
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