In my new book, Effective Virtual Conversations, I share the following 8 Essential Questions to Ask Before Every Meeting. Here they ware:
1. What’s the purpose?
2. What takeaways do we want?
3. Who needs to be on the call?
4. What preparation is needed for us to be most effective in the meeting?
5. What pace to do we want in order to keep it engaging?
6. What will help keep the focus?
7. What is absolutely essential (versus what will be nice to cover or where can people go for more information around topics)?
8. What follow-up might be required?
(Source: Britton, Effective Virtual Conversations, pp 304, 2017)
What are the most important questions to be considering at your next meeting.
One other activity which can make meetings more effective is to assign roles to help keep meetings on track. Consider getting someone to be a time keeper to keep the meeting moving, as well as a note taker. The note taker can be instrumental in making sure that decisions have been made and captured around next steps, deadlines and who is going to follow up.
For more on meetings, check out these past Teams365 posts.
Have a great Wednesday,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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Connect with us to be the first to know more about launch events around my newest book - Effective Virtual Conversations - coming out later this summer.