1. What's the best size of team? Team Genuis authors have found that the best size team is somewhere between 5 and 9. As a team work practitioner I'd agree and usually assert that each person added to a team adds an exponential layer of relationships, conversations, perspectives.
What do you see as the best size of team for you and your work?
2. 97% of employees and executives believe lack of alignment within a team impacts the outcome of a task or project (from ClearCompany.com)
How aligned is your team?
3. In his HBR article "The Hard Science of Teamwork" Alex "Sandy" Pentland writes: "The best teams spend about half their time communicating outside of formal meetings or as “asides” during team meetings, and increasing opportunities for informal communication tends to increase team performance."
What are the formal and informal practices you have for team communication?
4. Virtual Teams can be just as effective as in-person teams! 99u.com's article on 9 Facts Every Creative Needs to Know About Collaborative Teams notes:
"A 2009 survey by Cisco of thousands of teleworkers found 69 percent said their productivity was higher when they worked remotely and 83 percent said their communication with other team members was either unaffected or enhanced by being dispersed. And in 2009, a research team led by Frank Siebdrat assessed the performance of 80 software companies around the world and found that more dispersed teams often outperformed “co-located” teams.
Siebdrat and his colleagues said the most important factor in the success of a remote team was having processes in place to make sure each member contributes fully, including adequate support and communication. Other good practices include scheduling time for virtual camaraderie building, including chatting in an informal context" - Christian Jarrett
Here are a couple of great posts and articles you will want to check out :\
1. 10 Surprising Scientific Facts about Teamwork By Geoffrey James at Inc. Read it here.
2. Check out Catarina Lino's Article: The Psychology of Teamwork: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teams here.
If you are a virtual team leader, check out these 12 questions you might want to engage in dialogue with your team members (Teams365 #1182).
Have a great start to your week,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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