JenniferdToday's teamwork skill in focus is flexibility and adaptability. In today's work place these two skills are ever important given ongoing changes, uncertainty and collaboration across and outside of teams.
For many years my role involved recruiting and interviewing team members. Flexibility and adaptability were always skill sets I was looking for when hiring virtual and global team members. As we would often say, "you can teach someone a new set of skills, but fostering flexibility and adaptability is much harder".
In teamwork today the ability to be flexible is important in many ways. It can manifest itself as:
Our ability to adjust our style and approaches when working with different team members;
Our ability to adjust our schedules to help another team member out;
Our ability to adapt our plans when the context changes;
Our ability to be open-minded
Our ability to self-manage when projects don't go right
What do you notice about the skills of flexibility and adaptability in your team?
Have a great weekend
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