Once goals are clarified at the larger organizational or team level an important next step is to have team members understand how their contributions support the big picture goals. It is also important for team members to understand how their work aligns and sometimes conflicts with others.
Having dialogue as a team around priorities and key timelines can be important to note where alignment is working and where it may cause conflict. This can be done in advance (perhaps on a quarterly or monthly basis) to avoid the crunch-points that are inevitable in a team.
Here are a couple of resource links for those interested in learning more about goal alignment.
1. An article on Goal Alignment and Organizational Business Goals from SAP Success Factors. View it here.
2. Halogen's article on "Get managers to align and manage employee's goals. Read it here.
3. Gaurav Gupta's Article " Is your team aligned" in Industry Week. Read it here.
This week consider how you will facilitate dialogue with the team around alignment and your goals.
Have a great weekend,
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