Teams usually don't naturally excel - like most living things they benefit from some care and attention. Teams also benefit from structured time focused on helping them get to know each other, their roles, styles and strenghts.
This year we've had a variety of posts focusing on team development as well as virtual facilitation.
Here are links to 10 of my favorite posts on things you can do with your team - from questions to actual activities:
Strengths: Check out this recent post on working with strengths
E is for Exceptional: Check out this short video post I did as part of the Team Development Activity a - z series.
Strategic Issues Mapping - Going way back to year 1 of our daily blog posts, check out #Teams365 #85 on bringing strategic issues mapping into your work.
Working with Priorities - Take a look at #Teams365 #981 to explore different ways to work with your team around priorities.
Check out this 2015 Sunday audio post on three problem solving tools you could bring into your upcoming team work teams365-488-sunday-audio-3-problem-solving-tools.html
Teams365 #1056: More Year End Team Building Activities, and a link to an earlier post on Team Building Prompts. One of our most popular 2016 posts. Read it here.
Teams365 #705: Creative Problem Solving - What' you'll need are some index cards, sharpie markers and a problem which needs solving. Click here to read.
Teams365 #554: Team Building - Project Close Out - Click here to read five key areas you will want to explore in undertake an end of project close out.
Teams365 #1064: Team Development Activity A - Z - B is for boundaries. Click here to review a quick activity to support the team in idenfiying what they want to, and need to focus on, and boundaries they want to create in their work. Click here to read more.
What have been your favorite activities featured here? What other sources do you go to for ideas around team development?
Have a great Tuesday,
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
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Join us this fall for a 5 week Virtual Facilitation Essentials program. We'll be covering the best practices of designing and leading virtual calls.