Today's post includes 10 possibilities for recognition, mostly no or low cost. Your organizational context will influence the way you recognize team members. Some unionized environments on the amount of individual recognition accepted.
Consider your organizational context. What are possible ways you can recognize your team members? Individually? Collectively.
Finally consider these two scenarios I wrote about late last year at the BizToolkit blog
* A very introverted member of staff who is extremely shy and likes to stand behind the scenes is acknowledged publicly in a full organization meeting for their achievements and is asked to stand up to take credit. What do you think the impact is for them?
* One of your top performers is given the task to leading yet another special project. This one with high visibility. This comes as they are just winding down a year long other high visibility project, and after they have indicated that they are looking forward to being able to focus more on their core tasks as they have some evolving elder care responsibilities for one of their parents. What do you think the impact is for them?
(Source: BizToolkit blog post - November 2013)
Potentials Realized - Leadership and Team Development, Coaching, Retreats
Author of Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010) and From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
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