Much of the work that we undertake in the team coaching process revolves around supporting teams to create a shared vision, as well as create alignment in the actions you are undertaking.
In working towards creating a common vision, here are some questions to consider as a team:
- By December of this year, we want to have...
- We are known for....
- Our major achievements have been....
- The wildest thing we have done/accomplished is...
- Our focus is....
- We have stopped....
- What makes us unique is...
- We take a stand around...
- Our work is guided by....
- We are supported by....
- Key relationships are....
Potentials Realized
Author of From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013) and Effective Group Coaching (Wiley, 2010)
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
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Contact us and let us know how we can support you in helping your team reach its' full potential: (416)996-TEAM (8326)