As I write in From One to Many: Best Practices for Team and Group Coaching “Questions form the backbone of any coaching conversation”.
Coaching questions are typically open-ended questions. As illustrated in this week’s Teams365 cartoon, questions may be useful to stimulate thinking, to support action and also to build onto what team members may already know. Questions can also prompt new perspectives around approaches and solutions.
Sometimes known as socratic questions, the best questions may often be:
- Short in length - sometimes only 5-6 words
- In language that is resonant to the person being coached. The language you use when coaching team member on the shop floor may be different than the language you use with your admin support person.
- Provocative - encouraging discovery, new perspectives, challenge
Think of one of the best coaches you have had in your career. How have they used questions? What are the questions they used which really had an impact?
Now think of your experience. Which questions have you asked your staff which have had significant impact?
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