Facilitation comes from the word Facilis, or to make easy.
Facilitation skills can be useful in terms of generating new ideas or brainstorming, in problem solving, building consensus, identifying and exploring strategic issues, prioritization and making better decisions.
One of my recent posts on time management linked to an older post on Four Tools for Prioritization from my sister blog, The BizToolkit. You can read it here.
Over the next week we will be exploring the topic of facilitation skills, what they are, and why they are important for team leaders.
Two websites I always enjoy visiting for inspiration and resources around facilitation are Wilderdom.com and BusinessBalls.com. Enjoy1
Potentials Realized
Join us for an upcoming Facilitation Skills Intensive program, or bring us in to deliver this program at your location.
Author of Effective Group Coaching and From One to Many: Best Practices of Team and Group Coaching (Jossey-Bass, 2013)
Phone: (416)996-TEAM