There are many different approaches to working virtually, and it is likely that you will be in partnership with others many times during your work. It is critical that you take time to notice what’s important about your end goals and the relationships you are involved in.
At the start, you will want to use some of the following questions to help you frame out your approach to conflict rather than jumping into a particular model or process.
In Chapter 14 of Reconnecting Workspaces, I include a number of questions to consider around conflict. This is found in the Team Tool of the chapter. You’ll find more than a dozen questions there, and here are a few to start with:
1. In the bigger picture, what is important?
2. What is more important – the relationship or the results?
3. What is really important about the relationship with this person?
4. What is really important about the outcome of this goal?
5. What can you concede to?
6. What are your main perspectives around this issue?
7. What does each perspective have to offer in terms of insights and value?
Check out page 269 of Reconnecting Workspaces for more questions you might surface. You can pick up a copy of the book on Amazon. Follow this link -
Enjoy the conversation,
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Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my new book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon.