you’re doing.” - W. Edwards DemingWith the flow of work and life in the virtual space being fluid, what are the elements which are going to support you in anchoring your work, making decisions and prioritizing items.
Likewise, philosophies can help to anchor our work, and signal to others what makes you unique or different.
Today, take a moment to conside your values and the philosphies anchoring your work.
Personally, philosophies I work from as a virtual facilitation, a digital creator, and remote leader are:
- Keep it simple
- Distill things down into their core essence
- Embrace the chaos
- We learn by doing
What are the key values and philosophies anchoring your work?
ActivityToday, consider what are the values and philosophies anchoring your work and approaches.
IN essence these are the things that :
You NEED to incorporate for something to meet your standards;
You KNOW are important in the work you do;
Are things you take a stand around.
If it is useful, take time to review or identify your values. Be sure to think about how your values translate into behaviors which can be seen in the virtual space.
Conversation Sparkers
- What do clients say they really appreciate about your work?
- What is the one things which needs to always be part of your work (ie. it might be quality, etc)
- What are the philosophies which shape your work?
- If you were to hire someone tomorrow, how would you describe how you do?
Enjoy your conversations,
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized | Coaching Team Leaders
Coaching Skills Training | Leadership Development | Teamwork
Growing Team Leaders, One Conversation at a Time™ in the Remote Space
Contact us to discuss leadership, coaching or performance needs for your and your team
Phone: (416)996-8326