This week we are starting a new series on ICONS, and I’ll be selecting a different icon from a different day of the 90-Day Guide.
Here’s the first icon - The Iceberg. What’s above and below the waterline for you?
Throughout Reconnecting Workspaces and the 90-Day Guide for Success I share more about the Iceberg model of coaching I have been using with teams and groups for many years.
In teamwork we see what’s above the waterline of work. We see behaviors and actions. In the remote space these may be less visible.
Our behaviors and actions are shaped by the elements below the waterline of work – values, beliefs, mindsets, and perspectives.
What do you notice about how these elements shape what you do, how you do it and how you prioritize things?
Consider these questions:
What are the values you are guided by?
Are these values individual or collective?
What perspectives are you standing in?
• What mindsets are you embracing?
• Is it an open mindset?
• Where might you be getting stuck in what Carol Dweck refers to as closed mindset?
The richness of remote teamwork is in finding our collective approaches and also noticing what we each might bring as different?
Stay tuned for future weekly editions of the ICON set which come from the Reconnecting Workspaces Dice Set.
If you have a copy of the 90-Day Guide for Success, check out the ICEBERG Icon elements on days. Pick up a copy of the 90-Day Guide for Success at Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/90-Day-Guide-Success-Pathways-Virtual/dp/0993791573
Jennifer Britton
Potentials Realized |Reconnecting Workspaces | Group Coaching Essentials
Team and Leadership Development | Coaching | Retreats
Follow us on Instagram @ReconnectingWorkspaces
Phone: (416)996-8326
Check out my TEDx talk
Looking to bring your workplaces back together, whether you are remote, hybrid, or face-to-face? Pick up a copy of my new book, Reconnecting Workspaces, at Amazon.